Consultant or contractor – what’s the difference?

I have been in sponsor meetings when the subject of staffing gets discussed. There can be many reasons why additional people are needed for a project or team. Could be that someone moved on, could be the project is behind schedule and some adjustments are needed, could be there is a specific challenge, and some outside expertise and perspective is needed.

Do you have an elevator speech?

You could be at an event, in an elevator, being introduced to a new team, or any other situation where the question “What do you do”” could be asked. How do you answer?

Why AMF Communications?

I often get asked “what is the AMF in AMF Communications LLC?”

There are some interesting stories behind many brands – here is ours.

Is it a façade or is it real?

Have you ever run into that person who is all smiles and always wants to please? Next time I dare you to scratch the surface and see what gets revealed.

Let me introduce myself!

I am a seasoned consultant that brings a wealth of experience building business agility into organizations.